There are many advantages to using studio lights over constant lighting:
The ability to freeze a moving subject is one of the biggest advantages.
Constant lighting can also generate an uncomfortable amount of heat during a shoot.
Adequate constant lighting can cause the subject to squint and contract their pupils.
There is a wide range of light modifiers, allowing for many creative affects.
Newer battery powered lights allow for portability.
Newer battery powered lights eliminate the hassle of mains leads underfoot.
A simple single light lighting setup, creates hard light and deep shadows
The addition of one large reflector reduces the depth of the shadows.
Replacing the small light source a very large one creates a much softer light, even without a reflector
A large light source with a reflector, creates a soft lighting effect with gentle modelling across the subject.
Medium sized soft lights to the left and right of the subject. A good way to avoid reflections in glasses.
Split lighting with a fill light from front, off centre. A complex but soft lighting effect.
Adding in hair lighting creates separation from the black background and subtle complexity to the subject.